Thursday, September 30, 2010

Journal #4

Throughout my whole life there has always been two things that have worried me in school; midterms and finals. In high school, those two grades were very vital to your overall grade. I don't know how much they count for in college, but I'm sure that I will be just as worried. Having a midterm coming up in about two weeks is definitely starting to stress me out. Going into college I promised myself I would do a lot better than I did in high school. So, not only is this midterm a test for my class, but it is also a test for myself. I need to see if I can uphold my goals. The closer it gets to the test determines how overwhelmed I feel. I feel as if I'm well prepared that I'm very confident in taking the test. When it comes to the day of the test I'm a nervous wreck walking into it. However, I seem much better once it's over with. All I can do is prepare the best I can and hope that everything goes smoothly.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Journal #3

The virtual world has become huge over the past few years. Computers were never as useful as they used to be. Nowadays, people can practically live their life from a computer. You can connect with people and maintain a social life, you can pay your bills, and most importantly you can educate yourself. The things that one can do by going online varies enormously. I personally spend most of my time online on Facebook. Facebook has become the number one social network, almost every one's into it. One minute you can be catching up on the drama with whose dating who and whose breaking up.The next; you can be having a conversation with a  friend you haven't seen in years. Facebook is my favorite for simply those reasons, it keeps you socially updated . However, when I have had enough of the drama, there are other things I like to do when I'm online as well. For example, reading famous quotes, or reading my horoscope, or simply just reading the news. The capabilities the virtual world contains are very informative and helpful. If you go online everyday you are sure to be updated on what's going on in the outside world, I know I am.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Journal #2

Do music videos affect the way you feel about particular songs?

Every individual is interested in their own kind of music. Some may prefer rap. Others may prefer hip hop. Some may not classify their music under a specific genre, they may like distinct songs. But what about when you turn on the TV to MTV and you see songs being expressed through videos. Are they supposed to change the way you feel about songs? Mainly what it comes down to is being able to relate to the lyrics of a song, I think that is what connects people to distinct songs. I believe that when you watch those lyrics being expressed visually it only draws you that much closer to the song. As for me, music videos have given me a greater taste when it comes to particular songs.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Journal #1

So far attending college has been nothing out of the ordinary. I can happily say that nothing has frustrated me to the extent where I hate it. However, one thing I did find aggravating was the overall organization. Registering here was nothing but chaotic. I spent three hours here to just sign up for two classes! I understand that it is a school with many people trying to attend. However, I feel as though there can be a more organized way of getting things, such as registering, accomplished. Another disorganized part of the school would have to be the bookstore. The lines are just as absurd as the lines to register. One day they have the books you need and the next they don't.  Maybe the chaos and the disorganization is because the semester just began. But, overall college has been just fine.